Friday, May 1, 2009

All fart no shit

Elections were held all over India recently... And once again, we proved what a futile exercise it is. Less than half of the electorate of turned out to vote. In the months leading up to this general election, there was a great effort directed towards raising the awareness among the middle class towards the importance of voting.. Everyone saw these ads and enthusiastically joined in while cursing the government. But in the end, we proved that as a people we are all fart and no shit.

When the time came to actually cast the vote, the prospect of a long weekend outside the city proved more attractive. After the 26/11 debacle in Mumbai, and the awesome public uproar afterwards, one thought that at least this year we would see a different approach towards the elections. But now, i've begun to think that we deserve the ineffectual and callous governance that we've been experiencing for the last so many years.

We can hide under the excuse that anyway, the educated classes count for nothing in the general elections and most of the votes are bought or forced, but this just proves further what hippocrites we have become.

We just dont want to take responsibility when its offered, so that we can go on blaming the system for the state of our country as we have done for the past so many years.